Monday, February 27, 2012


Almost forgot about this thing, haha.

Ok, so on the job-hunting front, I applied and interviewed with another employment agency last week. Sounds fairly promising. I need to go back this week to finalize some paperwork, then they should be able to get me something. Yay!

Sweepstakes are still not being good to me. The other night I got an email that I won a Bacardi t-shirt. Yay. All my problems are solved! Ah well, just gotta keep the faith. You can't win if you don't enter and all that bullshit. I'll just keep plugging along. It's free and it's not like I have anything else to do.

These last couple of weeks have been insanely warm. It's been more like April than February. I wonder if these means we'll get one of those freak snowstorms in March? I kind of hope we do. I love extreme weather. And this winter has been boring as hell.

And because I can't think of anything else to say, here's another screenshot from EQ2.

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